Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Church Asked...I Delivered

The minister at our church is doing a series on relationships.  If married, our goal was to have a date night and on the date night reveal 5 things about our spouse that help us. I get all giddy when asked to do stuff like this.  For years I have wanted to have a family vision statement, with attributing characteristics, maybe a family cheer we chant to encourage us.  He said, "No thanks, honey."  I tried planning family nights to do stuff like this. I've wanted to do marital counseling just for fun.  To connect.  He's not as hokey as me.  Perhaps that should be number one on my list.  He keeps me from doing some crazy.  In no particular order and quickly typing as my children are putting on a circus around me, here we go...

1.  Laid back- I have never experienced anything like him.  He calms me and doesn't care about insults, get rattled, does his own thing.  He's ok zigging when everyone else is zagging.  (Insert a nod to Zig Ziggler).  I like it.  Because that's me, too.

2.  Servant heart- He gets serving others, especially our family.  He checks on the girls, shepherding them in a way I have always said he is like a "mom dad".  In his profession, he hears lots of stories of hurting.  Hurting, sick bodies and hurting hearts.  He prays for his customers.  (And is a steel door with HIPPA, so I never know:)  He doesn't leave his customers at work.  He is always trying to research ways to help people.  Looking online at medical journals, asking questions.  Calling to check on people, sending sympathy cards, working through his 30 minute lunch, 12 hour days, asking people how they are.  He really cares. 

3.  He's quiet.  He lets me talk through stuff.  After almost 11 years, I am not sure how much he actually listens (kidding...maybe), but he lets me get my words out and process.  He summarizes my statements well:)  He doesn't fight dirty.  He talks, only when needed, and gives me space.  I watch and study him.  He's a mystery.  I now drive most places so he will talk to me.  I have you as prisoner, ah ah ah!!  

4.  He's forgiving and low maintenance- some of these are running together.  He tries to see the good in others.  He's not judgmental which I love.  Unless he needs to call me out on something, which I also appreciate.  He doesn't complain if a meal is nasty, a messy house, etc.  He's grace giving.  He loves I do all the shopping, and I love that he loves me to shop.  (And stays out of my kitchen, except for breakfast foods and sandwich making:)  I might need to add here that he listens to me as well.  I have a strange sense of feeling out people's character.  I have given him a heads up about some concerning situations through the years.  He might of thought I was not accurate, turns out most times I was right.  Women can read other women. Women can read other men.  Just sayin'... And I don't say this to give myself a little pat on the back.  Bottom line- God uses us as a team.   

5.  He's stayed true to our covenant.  We got married as mere babies.  We were dead set on getting married young, and so glad we did.  We had no idea what we were jumping into.  We just knew we loved each other and we loved the Lord and that was it.  Our wedding was beautiful, but I think the whole thing could have gone array and we were outta there on our honeymoon, ready to start our lives together.  We love each other more today than I ever thought possible.  If he's off work, I'm with him, he's with me.  We're each other's first priority.   

And one more...

6.  He's strong.  There isn't an ounce of machismo in him.  He has inner strength.  He is immovable.  You'd think with me being more vocal I could turn things around. (ha ha I learned that early) But if he feels a certain way, he does it.  

He does have faults, an ugly sinful heart, as do I dear goodness sakes.  But I tell you, his love covers all those.  Rephrase:  God's precious love shed through Jesus blood covers all those.  We'd go dry trying to produce romance, sacrificial love on our own.  God's love and provision doesn't run out.  I thank the Lord daily for him.  We're running this race together, and have two little sprinters we are working to stay in front of.  And typical Type A that I am, my homework is typed out for tonight's date.  He may not type his out.  Heck, he may not even always tell me verbally what he appreciates.  (He will tonight, those are the rules, buddy.)  I get him, and I read him well.  Let's hope so after all these years.  He's my favorite.  He's my biggest fan.  

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