Monday, April 29, 2013

Dirty Wordies

The other day I met a friend for coffee. She walked up, fashionably late. I said, "Girl, I love your shirt." She brushes back her hair and says, "Thanks. I got it from a subway shop in Shanghai." Of course she did. She's cool like that. She is one of my best friends from college. The kind of friend in which you know each others most hated words. She mentioned the blog. I asked if she had read the entry about the pigs. She said no. And I said she really needed to because if I could figure out how to do more than type in my blog I would have tagged her every time I write the word teat. She said, you know that's not it. I said I knew it wasn't. Her's was worse. Then she said mine. (Which happens to be "moist".) I raised my eyebrows and said let's call a truce and not say them together, K? We don't need to lose our Starbucks over this nonsense.

I bet you have a word you hate. I used to make cakes for people before I decided to sign my free time away with homeschooling. (I'm sort of kidding because the truth is I have regular hobbies that I like to use as an excuse to keep me from cleaning the house. Hey, it may not be clean but I started this blog, made this cake, you get the picture. Try it. It works.) Well don't you know I heard it all the time. "Carla, the cake was so moist!" And I'm thinking, don't you hate that one too? I don't want to draw attention to my wrinkled up face but it sux you just said that. So there. I can make a moist cake. Ugh. I said it. Official face wrinklage going on here.

My favorite Spanish word: enano. It means midget in Spanish. One time I answered in high school Spanish class "Los enanos quisieran helado". (Translation- the midgets would like ice cream.). Brilliant right? I think SeƱora Ramirez thought I was crazy but maybe with a Spanish class name like Margarita I was just under the influence of la lengua latina.

I personally think life is more fun spoken Dr. Seuss style. And with singing. Sometimes when my kids get irritated with something I will just start singing what is usually said. Thankfully, we made crazy children that like this sort of stuff and we end up happy. Now in the teen years, I'll be an idiot. But maybe then my husband will let me sing to him. Fat chance. I'm doomed to a life of crazy on my own. He'll be the stable old guy with that crazy as a lark wife everyone just overlooks and says, "It's OK. That's just Carla."

Another word I love? Jesus. What did you think when I just typed that? Did you like it? Did you think of cursing? Was a tele evangelist GEE SUS on your mind? (Annoying. Why must they say his name like that? I'm thinking, person, Jesus doesn't say your name like that? Peeee taaah. Or maaaay ree. Seriously. Cut the Jesus drama.)

 I love his name. Because I know at the sound of his name coming from my lips a thousand angels come to my side, demons shudder, and he is made glorified. He's a person, not a religion. He's a relationship, not a thing to figure out the rules to. He's the path to a most Holy God. He's my Friend, Companion, Counselor, the Everlasting and I love Him.

Sometimes when I don't know what to pray, or I'm struggling, or I just want to say hi, I just whisper his name. When I am laying in bed at night not able to sleep, I say "Jesus I trust you." Or when terrible events happen, I say, "Come Lord Jesus."

 We sang this in church yesterday. (One of my duets with my bow tie friend:). I love it.

Lost are saved, Find their way
At the sound of your great name.
All condemned, feel no shame 
At the sound, of Your great name.

Every fear has no place
At the sound of Your great name.
The enemy, he has to leave
At the sound of Your great name.

Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, 
Son of God and Man, You are high and lifted up
And all the world will praise your great name. 

All the weak find their strength
At the sound of Your great name,
Hungry souls receive grace
At the sound of Your great name.

The fatherless, they find their rest
At the sound of Your great name.
The sick are healed, the dead are raised
At the sound of Your great name.

Now that's a name I love to hear.

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