Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm Falling

This post isn't geared for the morally upright and I apologize in advance.  It's confession time, folks.

My husband and I think watching people fall down is downright hilarious.  I don't even know when it started being so funny to us.  Perhaps in college.  We had a friend who would make himself fall down in the Dining Hall just to get a reaction.  It was so funny.  Sometimes food would fly but always he had someone unsuspecting help him up.  One time he even got hurt.  It was so worth it.

One time, also in college, I was walking back to my dorm.  We had a saying that the bricks on the path just jumped right out at ya.  I mean bam, they popped up, and you would trip. My story isn't about bricks though.  I was walking all coolio in my JCrew pullover (totally purchased from a second hand store) and my book bag, heavy, cause I was a studying fool.  Then I see a banana peel on the sidewalk.  I think, Carla, just step over it.  Well don't you know I stepped right on that puppy and slipped, just nearly catching myself.  The huge football player behind me says, "I am so glad I saw that.  I only thought that happened in cartoons."  So glad I could dispel that myth for you , Brutus.

There is also a phenomena called "gallon smashing" going on in the teenage sector.  There is a YouTube video showing the original gallon crashing boys and let me just tell you it is so so funny.  The kids trying to mimic them, not so much.  Actually the whole concept might offend some and kiddos are now getting charged, which is terrible.  Wasteful.  Stupid.  Naughty.  I don't care.  It is freaking hilarious.  I have seen my husband cry 4 times in our marriage, 2 of those being from this silly clip.  One time I had a difficult day.  He plays this video, and bam, laughter ensues.  He keeps saying he's going to try this at work with pill bottles or some such nonsense and I just keep telling him to behave and let the funny guys do it and get in trouble.  He's my sugar daddy and we need to keep him employed:)

If someone falls down while watching TV, we reach for the remote and rewind, especially if its a really good fall.

Why is this concept so funny?  I don't know.  It's kinda like the daddy daughter dance clips where it's all sweet and unchained melody and then, Scratch sound, "I like big butts and I cannot lie," with a dance break and crazy moves and every one's like, "What??"  A break in action.  Surprise.  And bam, funny as heck.

Where do we usually draw the line?  Well we turn into adults when someone gets hurt.  Like when I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest and I fell down the dang stairs, I hobbled my Braxton Hicks self over to the couch to see the damage.  Sprained and swollen.  Memories of multiple nightly trips to the bathroom using our computer chair to roll myself in, plop on the potty, and wheel myself back, carefully.  (Then the story gets funny though.  I was like a beached whale with both my pregnancies.  Very healthy, I tell you.  I remember sitting in the back of my husband's truck with his high school Umbros on (all that would fit) and my shirt 5 inches too short, swollen ankle, waving to the neighbors.  Up walks my cute and petite pregnant neighbor.  And I'm like, "I just washed up.  Someone get a crane and move me please.  I need rotating or something.")

Not funny when I fall.  Not funny at all when I get hurt or hurt others.  Amazing to me that God knew that I would slip on that banana peel.  He knows when I'll sin, fall short, now and in the future.  He knows how utterly lowly I am, and he chose to send Jesus.  He died for all of my falls.  I am perfect in Him.  My response?  Love Him, enjoy Him, spend time with Him.  Stop striving for perfection.  I was made righteous in Jesus.

And dear Lord, please don't let me fall and let it go viral.

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