Monday, May 13, 2013

Tea for Three

I not sure how this happened. Maybe it was because I was sick last week.  Maybe because I was in mommy bliss yesterday with the Survivor finale on my mind last night. (Nope, not "relations". My preacher preached on "relations". On Mothers Day. I know the husbands were elated he did this. It was a good message, if you're into that sort of thing.  All I could think about was the Survivor finale however.) Well, me and my love and the Survivor finale.

You see this morning I was going to introduce my little to mine and my hub's special breakfast date spot. She's never been there, and I thought it would be special to end our homeschool class work off campus. Well, I pulled up and uttered, "Dookies!" They're still in town and had infiltrated my special spot. (If you live here long enough, things become yours. I am working on this. I will add here I am from the old school Dirty D. Not the hip let's charge $20 for a hamburger off the back of a truck Dirty D.  And yes, I have paid $20, or something like that, for a hamburger. And will again. Because this is my town. And I love it. Dang it.  Carrying on...) Well, I wanted to roll down my window and yell outta my minivan, "Hello! graduation was yesterday, leave already and give me back my Dirty D." I didn't. I had the child with me. I behaved and we went to cruddy Panera. (Sorry if I offend.)

And then It struck me, oh my freak. It was graduation yesterday and I forgot to mourn and reminisce  my college years!  I usually spend a good portion of graduation weekend reliving college. Lots of stories include my husband, who was my hot boyfriend at the time.  But lots of time with girlfriends, roommates, friends scattered all over the world in a slew of different fields.  Friends I could sit here and think about and shed a tear. Laugh a lot. And need to confess a little...

I flipping forgot.  Is this a sign?  A sign I am truly grown up?  Surely not. So what if I'm a day late reminiscing I'm going there. And I'm taking you with me.

It is true. My husband and I have watched every single season of Survivor. Since Richard Hatch and his nakedness.  Yep. We are as old as Survivor. (I had lunch with a friend today. And you guessed it, she and her husband have watched every single episode too!  This is rare. But I should have known she was that cool when she showed up and hadn't showered yet either. And rocked it. Just like me. This relationship just may go somewhere...)

Every single episode. Every single character. I have sung the opening song every single time. Now that is TV fidelity if you ask me. Unadulterated TV fidelity. But my hottie and I have lasted that long too. And we just get younger and more silly.

Equally silly are my girlfriends. We were quite the team. The five of us. Living in a house, drinking expensive dessert wine out of blue plastic stadium cups with Oreos. On a beach trip. Bought by my same friend with the sweater out of Shanghai in my piggie teat post.  (Surprised?  She was cool even back then:) You see each each trip had a cheer that yours truly and another equally silly cheerleader friend in another life would write, execute in all it's splendor, and throw our heads back laughing. The five of us solved world problems with those blue cups. Sitting around sharing stories of   boys, God, family, friends, marriage, you name it. It got talked about.

Me and my girls. I have two of my own now. And maybe my focus away from school was correct being it was Mothers Day and all. But I felt guilty I had forgotten my school, my memories, my friends.  So I decided tonight the best times shared with girls are sitting down, pants unbuttoned, drinks in hand, sharing, loving, caring, laughing. Tonight I decided that at 11am tomorrow I am having a tea party. With my girls. My hotness of a husband will be the butler. He's good like that. Because if someone had told me to enjoy those years they fly by fast I might have believed them. But having girls of my own, I know it's true.  So teacups up, pinkies out, we're doing this thing. And laughing and loving and living. It's flying by too fast. And anchoring ourselves to memories is a great way to live without flying away.

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