Wednesday, October 9, 2013


by Carla
I got of out bed on two strong legs.
It might have been otherwise. 
I ate my morning eggs, bacon, and homemade pumpkin latte, a little cold because sometimes it gets messy helping everyone.
It might have been otherwise.
spent the morning with two little girls, offering my addition of wonder to their detailed discoveries, getting less done than I had hoped, held in a tension between productivity and stopping time.  
All morning I was behind a day.  It was messy.  I was fulfilled.  I was loving my children. I was creating memories I hoped I would remember.  Memories I hoped they would remember.  
At noon I sat down to eat lunch with my girls, looked in their eyes, and wondered when the last time was I had just gazed.  I told myself I needed to gaze more.  
It might have been otherwise.
We ate dinner straight from the crock pot, trying to take turns talking with so much excitement- mostly small things- but nonetheless important when you are small.  I was thankful for the family I had to feed.  I was thankful for the work it takes to manage this house, their education, our lives.  
It might have been otherwise.
I slept in a bed next to a man I love more than anything and planned another day just like this day.
But one day, I know it will be otherwise.