Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Two Birds, One Stone

One of my moms favorite quotes is, "killing two birds with one stone." Literally, sounds terrible.  Birds are cute.  They are graceful and maybe a little innocent.  (Until they poop on your head- happened to me in Spain 6 times!  Usually around the catedrals.) But figuratively, my life is formed on those six words.

I tend to be fairly practical, trying to get several things done at once.  And when practicality doesn't take over, I'm determined.  Example:  The month of April I got tired of our food budget inflating itself and making my categories go haywire.  (notice blame shifting.)  I was also tired of cooking dinner.  So...I enlisted the help of my best friend and advisor of all important things, Pinterest, and we found a solution:  the crockpot.  So, I shopped, prepped and froze crockpot meals one morning for the entire month of May.  I did. Every single day we used that thing.  We were delightfully in budget.  And, all our meals had the consistency of nursing home food.  And I permanently scarred my children who run from it.  They run and say, "Oh mom!  I thought we were done with those meals!!" Haha.  Nope girls, I have lots of crockpot tricks up my mama sleeve.  I even cracked my crock that month.  Second one I've done this too.  (Costco run anyone?)

So as the months have progressed It has come to my attention that I need a new challenge.  I thrive on these ridiculous awesome goals and run with them.  Mine starting today:  Dr. Oz's three day detox.  (Before I continue, let me tell you about Dr. Oz and I. We're tv friends.  I love him.  Me and all the other 50-something menopausal women who faithfully watch alongside with me.  It's ok.  He really is wonderful, giving advice to all the ladies (and gents). The women swoon over him but really he seems so genuine.)  So I'm not telling you this because rah rah Carla!  I'm such a health nut.  It's just that, well, I need to improve my eating.  

We eat a fairly balanced diet.  I won't bore you with details, but let's just say I need a reset.  My energy level is down.  I feel sluggish.  My blood work from my recent physical looks great.  That leaves a couple of things remaining- diet and sleep.  And after the three day detox comes the fabulous no sugar no grains no dairy challenge.  Mine, however, is planned into phases and will continue as long as my body says so, which will be after the 30 day mark most folks stop at.  (I'm not overly righteous here.  It just fit with my goals and the plan I found online, past experience, etc.

My precious amazing husband agreed to the initial three day detox (because I asked him while he was busy at work and really that's the best time to do such a thing) and I apologize to my friends I've made plans with in the next few days.  It might get a little crazy up in here.  I will endeavor to keep my whining and grumpiness or feelings of exhilarating at a minimum. The kiddos- they will benefit from the extra veggies but this is for mama, and daddy if he chooses to accept the challenge.  They will still maintain their healthy diet.  And I don't know about my husband long term.  (ok long term he's married to my crazy for life baby but not sure about his stance on the second phase.)

I am no stranger to food challenges, having been gluten free and strict Paleo for a combined total of 3.5 years.  (Yes, the half year is important and duly noted.)  And I'm not saying this will be easy. And I realize that elimination diets are controversial. but I like to push this here body. And I need energy for my sweet girls.  And I don't like the idea of reliance on anything but the main thing- Jesus.  (And coffee.  But there will be a day...)

So far today it's been fine.  Two smoothies down, two to go.  My Vitamix has been my bestie already.  The smoothies, they taste great.  I made cashew milk with my nut bag this morning after soaking my cashews overnight.  (Did I mention I swing to the hippie side a lot with eating?)  The nut bag hasn't gotten a lot of action in the past few months as we have eaten more cow's milk products but today was the day.  It got used and cleaned and ready for later. 

So here's to breaking bad habits and detox!  Smoothies up!  

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