Monday, August 26, 2013

I'm OK. Really.

So a few days ago I decided to take a little detox from Facebook and social media.  (I coined this the "social media detox". Dr. Oz if you're reading, quote me please.)

Before we go too far on this little rabbit trail, this blog does not count.  It is my let-my-hair-down-unbutton-my-pants hobby.  So, not the blog.  But yes to Facebook.  And grandma here has never figured out how to "do" twitter so, what the hey, twitter too.  And not my phone.  (Although I'm not instantly getting back to texts if I'm busy, and sometimes that means not until the end of the day.) And not email.  (I try desperately to detox from email and then I miss somebody's sign ups and I end up bringing something stupid like sandwich meat and cheese to the picnic for 30 people.  Dang those folks with data plans getting all the good easy stuff first!  Grr!)  Well, ok, not Pinterest either.  Pinterest enhances Carla.  It's like my personal assistant, go to for all questions, health stuff, etc.  It's positive and encouraging.  It teaches me something.  It's my coffee.  Not giving it up.    

And I thought I would explain in words for whoever the heck cares.  (If you don't, feel free to stop right about now...)

I mentioned on the phone tonight with my mom about my "detox" (quotes because this is a new detox animal.)  Her response, "Oh yea.  I wondered about that post but I didn't know if I should ask you.  I asked your sister if she understood what was going on and she didn't know either."  Family confusion.

So, I'm OK.  Really.  And with a little explaining my mom agreed that the world is all right with Carla.  And after talking to her about an "issue" today it really is.  (No matter how old I get I still need you, mom!)

This is why I did it.  I'm not some moral high roller for doing it.  I care.  I care about my sanity and mental health.  I have girls I don't want them to pretend play "facebook" so we're just pulling away a bit.  (Third person.  I'm fine. I do it all the time.)  And did I mention I have little people with me all day long, observing my every move?  And that their education is on me, only me?  No pressure, really.  (These are the things you do not think about before having kids or really deciding to homeschool. For us it was in that order.)

And, I pray my words don't sound condemning.  I might be detoxing from "people" too.  (Quotes totally unnecessary but studious.  And yes, detoxing is a word.)  And yes I have a few Facebook friends and no one I really want to get rid of so that's not an option for me.

1.  I am tired of seeing pictures of peoples' meals and dogs.  I am a regular poster of all things terrible for you, as in my cakes, desserts, etc.  I also have been known to post pictures of my detox drinks.  Because they're pretty.  They make me feel like I'm doing something to fit into my fall pants better.  Yeah me.  (Where's my gold star, Dr. Oz?) But there comes a time when I've hidden enough people from my newsfeed and left the others that I really can handle at the moment  think I am close to and I'm stuck with dog pictures.  I'm allergic.  You need to feel me here.  They're people's babies.  I know.  I'm just done.  (Read below, this is temporary.  I am healing myself from this.  No worries.)

2.  I am tired of seeing pictures of people's vacations, date nights, time away from kids, trophy stuff.  It's great to celebrate with those folks.  I'm just done right now.  I'm tired.  We've only been schooling 3 weeks.  It will get better.  I'll post some pix from our March trip around public school test prep time when we're done with our curriculum.  (And at the end of this detox I'm sure I'll raise my latte to you mamas who dropped your kids off at school and have the house to yourself now and keep posting about your said lattes, reading, loving life, free time, etc.)

3.  Facebook is filled with useless knowledge.  And the useful stuff (money saving groups, homeschooling groups, people actually posting about something important, etc.) is hidden.  I have to find the good stuff.  It takes too long.  I get tired.  I get distracted.  Then, when I could have run a 5K pushing my kids on their bikes (not really but I aim high) I am sitting looking at somebody's something on their page.  Where's Waldo is not fun at my age.  Or any age, really.

4.  I have to say, I'm tired of people complaining.  Complaining about how expensive kids are (birth control).  Complaining about their energy level. (Get off facebook and do something.)  Complaining they want their kids in school they can't handle them.  (You're blessed.  Go hug them they're healthy.)  Complaining about the weather, Ben Affleck as Batman,  Kim and Kayne's baby named "North West", polar ice caps melting, Duke vs UNC when we all know the truth- the sky is Carolina blue, folks.  See here, I'm complaining about people complaining.  It's a terrible mess.  Unproductive negativity.

And today, today, was great.  It was good weather.  Bonus.  It was freeing.  Amazing.  And I will likely return at some point because I usually love to connect to people.  And I'll promise to love your dogs, cats, and other strange pets (you wish would kick over like your 4 hermit crabs) when I return.  (The last one might just apply to me.)  And I'll celebrate with your vacation pictures and sun kissed skin and fabulous get aways with your husband, friends, new cars, newly constructed body parts, delicious meals, exciting recipes, new tattoos etc.  I'll raise my glass to things going well.  Positivity.  Growth.  Love.

Just not now.  Because I'm detoxing.  And Dr. Oz and I take this seriously.

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