Thursday, March 20, 2014

Don't Be Unreasonable

My oldest will begin Latin next year as a part of her curriculum. Why Latin? Mother tongue, baby. From it languages are easily explained. I remember loving studying the history of the Spanish language in college thinking man oh man I wish I could have learned this sooner! It is beautiful to me how one Latin word was altered to the various languages like a family tree. Omissions, additions. In Italy one time I ordered pizza and secured a hotel room speaking Spanish. We struggled a bit but the order was correct and we got the room we wanted:) The hotel manager and I hugged. We did it! Cousins. Language cousins.

So when God takes me deeper with Him with studying language in Scripture, pair that with speaking to my heart, with some practical guidance, now we are getting somewhere! He knows I eat it up.

I'll be honest with you. Ok, lean in. Sometimes I wonder why we're teaching our girls to turn the other cheek, forgive, love anyway, sacrifice. Listen here, the world they face is daunting, rough, unforgiving. Now individuals, sure, there are kind people. But in general, Are we raising doormats?  Should we teach them it's all about them.  Elbow your way to the top? Put yourself first.  Don't look back.  Step on someone if you have to.  It's life.  "It is what it is."  (That phrase is waaaay overused.)

So we know we're not. Honestly. We're raising them as Jesus asks us to. How do I know? He talks to us and tells us and sometimes (prayerfully I hope more than I think) we're smart enough to listen and when we fall He gently corrects us. Imperfectly beautiful conversation. Lord-guide-us-and-make-us-willing-to-listen conversation.

There is this Greek word "dorean" That I cant get out my head. It literally means "freely, as a free gift". It also means "without reason". It is used a few times in Scripture (Matthew 10:8- sacrifice "freely you have received, freely give") and (John 15:25- Jesus said, "they hated me without reason") combining those two meanings, references, we have through Jesus received "unreasonable grace". Grace upon grace. Unmerited favor. Gods Riches At Christ's Expense.

What I've learned from this is give sacrificially. Teach love. Unreasonable grace. To the best of my ability. Lord help me please.  

One more instruction though that Jesus gave his disciples was Matthew 10:16- "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves." Greek word shrewd= prudent, simple, practically wise. Innocent= without any mixture of deceit, without any defiling material.

The way to recognize the counterfeit truth is to know the Real truth. To recognize what is not right because you know the Maker so well. "Your Word is Truth" is a verse we all know in our house.

So I suppose you could say we're teaching the girls to be unreasonable. Praying they know Jesus so well that they recognize when less appealing things come their way. When deceit is at their front door. When Wisdom wins and leads them to the right path. Gently calling them to Himself.  Loving them in spite of their sin.  Making the plans for them good.  Well.  Unreasonable.

This could look like several things. Having girls I feel vulnerable.  I don't see that as a weakness though. Their tender hearts will change the world, so I pray dear Lord. May I teach them to be grounded. May I remain grounded, in your Truth. Conversing with Truth. Open to Truth. Loved unreasonably by Truth. Turning this unreasonable grace outward. Where it belongs so that others may feel Him, experience Him, know Him, too.  Jesus wasn't a doormat, but poured out His life because connected to God, and there we find are no limits.

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