Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Scripted Life

So I am by myself tonight.  My husband took the girls to swim practice.  I bet he is missing our hot tub make out session.  Basically we swim a bit and then get bored and visit the hot tub the rest of the time.  (Well, the makeout business- so, that's a joke.  For real.  Swim lessons are much more strenuous.)

The other night we went on a date night.  Now you have to understand we are simple folks.  We just want a quiet dinner out by ourselves.  Some couples are creative, over-the-top with surprises.  Well, that's all fine and good.  Not us.  We just like to sit on our honches and eat.  In quiet.  Without being interrupted.   Without the children.  We actually pretend for a short spell we don't have any kids.

So we picked a very quiet Chinese restaurant- awesome choice might I add.  While we go out by ourselves, and try not to talk about our children, I realized I needed his professional opinion and had been meaning to ask, "What supplements should we be giving the girls this cold/flu season?"  Reasonable question, right?

Well, friends, this is how he honestly answers.  "The other night in The Walking Dead, pigs started dying."  I interject, "Uh huh," as I eat my egg roll.  (Gluten challenge my rear- I've put on 4 pounds 2 days eating "healthy" gluten in small amounts.  Back to gluten free for me.  And this story…)  "Well, there is this old man, and he is religious and kind of practical.  He starts picking elderberries and compounding them and gives the beverage to the sick ones."

At this point I just about choked on my egg roll but I respectfully stopped to see if he was kidding.  Nope, serious face.  "Ok.  In all your years of school, and all those years of working, that's the best you've got?"

So we (actually I) giggle at his zombie shows.  I don't watch them because I think they are silly.  Actually, I avoid them because my vivid imagination takes these shows and makes them alive.  The very last thing we need are zombie sightings and things grabbing me under the bed.

Like when I decided I would, in fact, watch Person of Interest with him after all.  So we caught me up to the current season in one weekend.  I was certain I saw Elias shopping in Target with me.  I was freaked.

Or when I saw someone interesting looking, perhaps suspicious, here in the Dirty D and I mentioned to my husband a good solution is to follow him- clone his phone.

Or my referring to any mass hoarding of items as being really good in case of a zombie apocalypse.

Knowing I like to create and step into imaginative things, I stick to reality shows.  (I know what you're thinking- they aren't reality, just scripted.  I know.  We were almost on a home makeover show a few years ago and they tell you what to say.  I'm sorry if I've just ruined someone's day.  Edited and scripted.  All of them.)

BUT, that doesn't stop us from watching our shows- tonight as a matter of fact, is one of our favorites.  Survivor- we might be the only folks who have watched each season from the beginning, 13 years ago.  And. we. just. can't. stop. ourselves.

We don't know what script will be written for us next.   God's written these decisions here and there and some just haven't made complete sense.  There have been five (count that!), five times God has explained himself to me in the past two weeks through random (albeit 2 of those awkward) situations.  (Ok, I should pause here to explain myself- the sweet young man who visited our church and I cupped his fanny completely by accident- that is not included in this number.  I blame the close chairs at the church and how he passed me and I had to move my giant self and my hand flew…to cup his fanny.  All in the name of Jesus.)

Dramatic, I know.  But I've asked for peace and closure in certain areas of my life, certain decisions I've made, and he responds.

God always answers when you ask for peace and counseling.  He is the Prince of Peace.  

I still find his work in my life amazing.  I ask, he answers.  I hope our relationship never becomes mundane.  I hope I always keep believing in miracles, change, hope, and things being made right in the very end because even if I ignore his goodness, he is good.

He keeps writing the script and asks that I look to him.  I think taking my eyes off the path might derail me, but interpretation is just what I need along the way.  

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