Monday, September 9, 2013

A Do Over

The other night my littlest had a meltdown. The kind where your kiddo is so tired the world is turned upside down on its head and there is nothing left to do but cry.  

And in a moment of Gods grace on my parenting, I began to use my calming mommy voice. Then it came out between sobs.

"Mommy, I want a do-over."

So we did just that. I put her back in the tub, re dried her off, and put her jammie's back on. And all was right with the world. Then she fell asleep. My sweet baby girl.

And I understand her completely. And I'm thinking of all the times in my life I've wanted a do-over.  And I've had a few in my adult life.  Things just not going the way I want them too.  

And I'm realizing life has a reset button.

Every day I wake up, life resets. His mercies are new every morning.
Each bite I take gives my DNA a code to reset my nutrition, for better or for worse.
Every mistake I make, I can say I'm sorry.
I can change my mind. I can live a different way. I can choose thoughts that uplift and don't condemn. 

There is a reset button within arms reach. Do I want to push it?

And I think sometimes we get stuck. We don't mean to, but we get stuck. Sometimes it's our pride taking over- unwilling to admit there was an issue to begin with. Sometimes it's pride's evil cousin named "pity" keeping us from pushing it. Maybe its anger with God. This side of heaven why do certain things have to happen?  Sometimes through our misery it's more comfortable to stay where we are. Glance at the button, and look away. Our heart's bend is to go our own way.  

The reset button is not shameful. It's called grace. It's a free gift given by God. I don't have to use it, because its a gift. But when I do, my world, my heart is made right. It's peaceful.

And because its there, I can truly live. I am free. Grace is a fresh wind of freedom. The closer to that button I stay the more hope I have. There is another Way. A fresh start is one click, or prayer, away.  May I use it well.  

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